Glad to hear it Qi. And as to power armor, Bozz, that depends on how you mean. Each Knight/Beacon Soldier would have their own custom armor, built to suit their needs. Would match a -general- design, but nothing beyond that. (Clean and Functional for Knights, bit more crazy and personalized for beacons.) So, if by power armor you mean it assists his motions, adds some pack to his punches, it's entirely possible. Mechanical help in motion. If you mean it throws out big blasts of power or something, not so keen on it. Bit Overpowered, that. Targeting assist, on-board A.I's, motion/strength assist, that's all well and good. But, in this universe, energy-blasts/shields or what-have-you aren't a thing yet. (As seen in the image I showed for my Beacon commander's armor. It's all still physical armoring. No shields.) Also, all armor -would- need to be space-worthy and have onboard air tanks. In case the wearer gets spaced on the job. Also, one more person and I can make the OOC! Would give us three on each team, plus my commanders.