Tesla with drew his weapon back into the suit. "Yes well maybe we all should take a look at everything. Seeing as how things are meshed together there has to be a way to undo it all." Tesla brought a spherical hologram up in the middle of the three of them. "I have been running scans from all over the world via drones. I have yet to find an anomaly, or rather a space time portal, though there was a large spike in New Metropolis a few hours ago. Now it seems that world is stable for now so I don't see any reason to try and put effort into making a fix. Have each of you heard the recording about what the other heroes did? Apparently they went after a being called Dark Thanos. Which yeah you probably have heard of since he has his own religion. Arrogant git isn't he?" Tesla wiped the hologram and brought up a new one. "This file is one that I am having a hard time decrypting. I think it requires a specific digital key that I need access to through Wayne-Stark Enterprise. Either of you know a way to get the board to make me CEO?" Tesla smiled back at the both of them and acted as though he had asked a perfectly reasonable question.