Vis nodded to Koric's offer of a fire, turning away, he walled towards the other side of the pier, making sure to watch out for rotted planks as he went, not wanting to break through into the green grey water bellow. At the end of the dock was the bear, Laying down on the dirt as opposed to the spongy wood, probably for the same reason Vis didn't want to step on ruined planks. As he walked past the bear, he ran his hand over it's fur, admiring it's size and fluffiness, 'kinda like teddy.' thought Vis. A few yards past the wolf was the fire pit Koric was talking about, it was clear he'd been waiting for all these people for a while because there was layer of ash over upon layer of ash in the pit. Sticking his hand into the pit, Vis grabbed a fistful of ash and pocketed it, turned to the pile of twigs and wood nearby Vis proceeded to pick up the driest pieces and placed them into the pit. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a flint and still and proceeded to light the fire. It started with a crackle and within a few moments was burning away happily, he poked at the fire with his rapier occasionally, shifting pieces of lumber so the fire could get air.