The artificial, sterile LED lamp was all that illuminated the frigid, dark room. It's been a solid 3 hours since hes been in here. The shuffles outside lend to about 2 or so combat forms and a recently diseased former squad mate, who he and Ol' Bill(who just 15 mins ago succumbed to similar wounds) had to leave behind at the request of the dearly departing. Lenny only wished he was a better shot, and ended the poor fellows suffering before the door magnetically shut closed. Taking inventory he found a few damage packs that could be used to booby trap his and Bill's body if he finally wanted to call it quits... Still, his old portable radio still worked, and supposing anyone (friendly) was still alive to respond to a distress call he'd be just ecstatic. Then again, others could track him, hunt him, hurt the "Nuke Duck;" maybe a nice bouquet of the grenade variety, hanging precariously over the door frame would be a better idea. He liked the latter, but either way he was dead, might as well go with the one that garners a little bit of hope. He dusted off the old G.I. radio and well do what he assumed you'd do: "PFC Bennewitz of Echo Outpost, Emergency Civil Defence, ID 2517D13. This is a NA class broadcast on a multiple secure channels. Requesting backup to Miranda St. metro station maintenance room in the east bound tunnel. Squad is negative. Electromagnetic locks in place on door. Password is Echo Zulu." With that he nonetheless prepared that bouquet on a (disarm-able) trip wire for those pesky neighbors causing a racket outside.