>"PFC Bennewitz of Echo Outpost, Emergency Civil Defence, ID 2517D13. This is a NA class broadcast on a multiple secure channels. Requesting backup to Miranda St. metro station maintenance room in the east bound tunnel. Squad is negative. Electromagnetic locks in place on door. Password is Echo Zulu." Twix paused as the voice, clipped through with static, filled his helmet. He glanced at the stim, ready in his hand and with an effort of will placed it back in his backpack. He wasn't too far from Miranda St. metro, perhaps a 5 minute walk if the streets weren't full of flood. Thought the flood had been dealt with, fucking Spartans, can't do anything right. He slowly moved to a crouching position, grabbed his sniper rifle which had been leaning against the wall next to him and slung it over his back. Pistol at the ready he carefully stood up, he was standing behind the counter of a corner shop, the shop was empty and from what he could see the street outside the shop was deserted aswell. **"Bennewitz, this is Private Mile, ODST. Transmission received, I am enroute to Miranda station" He paused, thought for a moment and continued. "ETA 20 minutes, Confirm?"** He crept over to the door and peered out into the street, as he had seen from the counter the street was deserted, though for how long was anyones guess. He left the shop and turned right, heading towards Miranda station, He walked crouched down and carefully as if hunting, listening for any sound that might indicate Flood nearby.