![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/Mak7JB5.jpg "enter image title here") Nerves took hold of the girl for a moment as she waited for one of the large wooden doors before to open. But, Cassandra managed to quickly steel herself, conquering her anxiety swiftly. Her head was lifted a bit to meet the gaze of what she assumed would be either a male employee or the Bat-- her father whom may answer the door. The young woman stood straight with her chin up. She wet her pink lips and prepared a smile to greet whomever allowed her to enter the mansion. The door swung open suddenly and Cassandra widened her smile showing off her pearly whites. However, there was no adult male to greet her. Most certainly not her father. Sadly, she had allowed herself to assume. What was that old saying? Ah yes. Assuming makes an ass out of you and-- "Damian," she said flatly. Cassandra's right brow lifted I her surprise as her smile faded at the boy answering the door. His facial expression, even though it changed almost immediately, and his body language revealed he was shocked to see her standing there as well. There seemed to be a hint of ignominy, but she couldn't discern the reason. "...Cassandra Cain. Well...come in." Giving the dark haired lad half a smile for the sake of politeness Cassandra stepped inside the mansion for the first time in... for the first time. Hearing voices not so far ahead of her Cassandra halted. She did not hear the Batman's voice. "The others?" asking Damian, yet keeping her dark eyes on the doorway ahead of her, if it was the extended family members that chatted in the adjacent room. Cassandra couldn't decide in that instant which would be more uncomfortable: being in a room for of *family* she didn't know that well, or being here alone with the Batman's bastard son. Damian was just a boy, yet looking upon him brought the worst of memories flooding back to the forefront of her mind. The kid was the heir apparent to the League of Assassins, the most foul and the most evil of organizations. Their reach was far and wide. Their membership included the world's deadliest terrorists and killers founded by Damian's grandfather, Ra's al Ghul. Cassandra's father -her *biological* father- was he himself a member of the League. Oh, and what her father had done to-- She closed her eyes for a second, forcibly shoving those horrible recollections to the furthest reaches of her mind. 'Twas not the time or place to reflect on such nightmares.