[b]Hi. Icicle here.[/b] I have now returned after a long period of boredom. I have decided to neglect some of my responsibilities in order to write this, and will have to do so in order to write any future post, so please bear this in mind. This interest check used to be quite detailed and full of information. Eh. That wasn’t really getting me any points with the majority of people on this website. So I’ll keep it short and to the point. [b]My Goals as a Roleplayer:[/b] I desire to find partners who are capable of matching my level of creativity or who wish to develop a [i]meaningful[/i] social relationship with me through storytelling. [b]My Taste in Roleplaying Partners/Roleplaying Ideas:[/b] I prefer partners who use English words to portray ideas in interesting, creative ways, word-for-word instead of through mere concept. I also prefer partners who seek to answer the question, “so what,” when presenting details in a post, and plan ahead to incorporate these details in more and more interesting ways, or even reusing the same details to accomplish entirely different purposes. I love those who can stand on their own two feet, in this respect, and propose or incorporate their own ideas without stunting my own ability to do so. As for roleplay ideas, I enjoy action greatly, as well as certain fantasy and supernatural bits and pieces. As a general rule, I will only enjoy a roleplay if the plot changes genres over time, as an entirely action, or an entirely adventure roleplay may end up introducing more unique concepts, but it will lack the dynamics of a truly creative story. So, pretty much, I love people who can put a lot of thought into a post, not just to think of interesting stuff to write down, but to think of interesting ways to use that stuff. [b]Stuff I find "Distasteful”[/b] I will not list out everything, because there is A LOT. But, just so you get a general idea, I will say a few things. [u]Content:[/u] I hate what some people refer to as “mature” content or anything 18+. I don’t dislike it just because it is vulgar, sickening, and that the thought of it makes me want to puke. The main reason I dislike it is because I like to smile, and I like to see other roleplayers as humans. I’ll leave it at that. [u]Discourtesy:[/u] There is nothing more irresponsible than breaking the unspoken, or sometimes explicitly laid out, Roleplayer’s Code of Conduct. To put it simply, it is your responsibility as a roleplayer to make it as easy as possible for the other roleplayer to respond to what you have written. This means giving them the full capacity to take control of their character or the environment, to visualize what is happening, to introduce new concepts, or to change old ones, and anything else which is within the toolbelt of a writer. But most importantly, I dislike those who are discourteous and unwilling to listen when I advise them on how to be more courteous. [u]Attentiveness[/u] I will not roleplay with a person who does not pay attention. This means being attentive both to details, and to my attempts to communicate with you out of character. If you do not warn me that you will be gone for more than two months, I might just detest you for life. In all of my years on the internet, there is nothing that I have ever found to be more painful than being ignored. It is much less severe if you forget about details in the roleplay or cannot put two and two together, but it irks me nonetheless. [u]Death[/u] In my roleplays, a character should never die unless you have an absolutely perfect and tear-jerking reason for them to die. Death, to me, is the most absolutely top-tier meaningful moment of a character’s existence. It is your responsibility to write your character out of any situations which could lead to your character’s death before you write yourself into a corner, and if you write yourself into a corner, you had better think of the most incredibly poetic and meaningful death scene for that character in their final post, or I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU. >.> [b]Final Comments:[/b] I know that there are plenty more things I could say, but I know that you’ll skip over it all if I write it out. I have many ideas, and have been told that I am “one of the most incredible improvisation writers of all time” (which is a farce, but touching nonetheless). I will answer any questions about myself as a roleplayer if you ask me through private messages. I have a few pre-prepared ideas and characters, but you’ll have to provide your own idea before I give you one of mine. They’re precious. So, thanks! Kbai!