While enjoying small talk with Stephanie, Dick, and Barbara Tim received a phone call. Feeling the cell vibrate he pulled it out and politely excused himself from the conversation. Moving over to the other side of the large room Tim pulled the phone out and answered the phone. "I believe I asked not to receive any work calls tonight Eric." Tim answered with a curt tone as he assumed he was talking to his assistant. A capable young man; however, somewhat of a scatter brain at times. "Yes sir I know, but I don't think this could wait. Your meeting with Oliver Queen has to be shifted. Unfortunately it seems he has decided to go to Europe to go skiing." Eric seemed out of breath and his tone was one of someone who felt they were going to be blamed for something. The fact that Eric was currently caught between two extremely wealthy masked crime fighters meant he was very much between a rock and a hard place. Fortunately for the young man the cancellation was not a surprise to Tim "Well then I guess we are going to have to either reschedule or find a way to get me to Europe." Tim said with a smile. The response he got was one of uncertainty. Was Eric supposed to do one or the other. He promptly hung up after telling Eric to calm down and that they would settle the issue after the wedding weekend. This seemed to put Eric in a much better state of mind. Tim turned to see two others enter the room. An annoying ego and a blast from the past. Everyone in the Bat family knew the friction between Tim and Damian. The little twerp just rubbed Tim the wrong way. That and his near obsession about killing was a constant threat to everything Bruce and the cowl stood for. Tim didn't have to say this out loud, but his views on Damian being allowed to wear the yellow and green was an egregious error in Batman's judgement. In Tim's opinion at least. The other to walk into the room was the near opposite while Damian was a threat while being around Batman Jason nearly destroyed Batman by not being around. Tim never blamed Jason for what happened to him. No one could except for Bruce himself. The curse was without a Robin, Batman lost himself. It was the very reason Tim decided to come out and threaten to expose Bruce Wayne as Batman unless he took Tim in as the new Robin. Since he had lost Jason Batman had become more reckless as well as violent. Even very nearly used a gun at one point, a fact he later shared with Tim. Jason was the cautionary tale. One that haunted even Damion. Tim walked over to Jason and shook his hand. "It's good of you to make it Jason." He then looked down at Damian and fought the urge to tussle his hair. Instead he was saved when a door bell chimed announcing the arrival of another and final member of the Bat family. "Cassandra Cain as I live and breath." He gave a big smile to this as the joke was perhaps in poor taste, but since the whole drug induced brainwashing incident Cassandra and Tim had become close. He was younger and allowed himself to think there was maybe something more during their time working together, but the days when hormones ruled his thoughts ended a long time ago, at least when it came to most things. When you bury your parents you grow up fast. "I hope the trip across the Pacific wasn't as painful as the one across Gotham?"