Staring at the map as she followed behind then glancing up as they mentioned the lilies, as her eyes drifted back to the map she heard one of the group say something. Something to do with the map but she just nodded anyway. Not really paying attention until a hooded mage walked up to her and started talking to her, she tilted her head, wondering who they were. He removed his hood and it was the mage who suggested the scouting, she let out a soft "ohh" before nodding, she was still fixated with his hair. She thought when they met up at the tavern she would ask. She listened carefully as he pointed out where the tavern was and what time they need to be there. Darthalia put a finger to her mouth and bit it softly, drawing blood and marking a dot where the tavern is. This may of seemed odd to some but it was a normal occurrence for the elf. Ink was rarely sold in the undercity and if it was it was expensive. So she would usually use a mix of animal blood and sap, or even sometimes her own blood. After marking the map she glanced to the mage, he was called Ordore, or was it it was Ordore, she was sure. She spoke as she started walking again "Try not to die".