Leo was heading outside too from the ceremony, he didn't have time to show off, nor did he have much to show off anyway. He would have other things to do than to train his skills for now, after all, that was what he was for here, so he could do that when there was someone to actually teach him in his way. Besides, he really needed to kick in his studies to communicate with people. He bumps into someone while heading towards his dorm room. He looks up and grunts."Sori(Sorry). Did not mean it." He passes by the person then and decides to pay more attention to his surroundings instead of his thoughts, at least until he got somewhere where he can't run into people. He soon arrives to the dorm, sits and picks up a book, opening it from the bookmark and frowning then deeply."Perkeleen kirjat...(Damn books)" he mutters to himself.