[Musical Reference](http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vVTP0DOL_2Q) Her fingers lingered over the ebony and ivory and she could feel her pulse quicken. Elena slowly allowed her fingers to rest on the keys of the piano, thankful that the class this early in the day had few students. For a moment she allowed herself to look up at the people around her, a total of 6 pairs of eyes staring right back at her. Elena immediately regretted having looked up. "Elena.." A voice caressed her name, belonging to the darkest pair of eyes in the room; Miss Sonata. "Play what you have composed." Her words were soft and yet lacked tenderness, the statement worded as a command and not a request. Glancing down once more, readjusting the placement of her hands, Elena fixed her gaze of the handwritten composition in front of her. "This is a piece I've been working on. It's kind of sad and because of such - I think it is appropriate to dedicate this song to Helen." Her voice was barely above a whisper but she knew that she had the classes attention and they would have all heard her words. --- There was no hesitation once she stopped speaking and her fingers began to melodiously tickle the keys, a somber sound that filled the room. It felt heavier now that the class was thinking of Helen as the music filled their ears. Cerise could not help but smirk to herself with pride over Elena, wondering silently to herself if she had purposefully tweaked the higher keys to be slightly out of key. It gave the melody a severely eerie sentiment and Cerise could almost visibly see the shudders her students were trying to hide. Though, whether or not it was Elena's music or the dark stare Cerise was giving them that made them shiver was up for debate. Cerise knew this. And most days she ignored it. But summer had not been kind to her and her students had received the brunt of her sourness. Especially her normals. The hiss of the PA system seemed to break the room from its trance as Elena stopped her piece, packing her music into her bag and returning to her seat. As the announcements came to a close, Cerise dismissed the class early-asking that only Elena remain.