Nathan would begin to disperse with the other students as the sparring ended, his arms crossed as he glanced around, he wasn't great with being in new schools, he would always be known as that Quiet Creepy kid, and noone would enjoy even chatting to him, He loosens his tie and rolls up his sleeves, revealing his bracelets, he would care little, before he decided it was finally time he'd check his dorm. He moved through the somewhat narrow, filled corridors with his hands laid motionless on the hilts of his blade, he murmurs "I swear if we have room partners I will start sleeping outside.." He then opens the door, finding a room perfectly laid in for one, he then nods, the feint traces of a smile on his features, as he steps in, closing the door, and taking off his weaponry belt which would later be placed on the Storage Chest at the end of the bed.