The year is 2040, and the world has actually achieved what the 60's promised. Robot maids, food at the press of a button, flying cars, utopias above the clouds. There is no disease, no hunger, no one usually suffers. Most everything is artificial, dead, plastic, or all three. There is an occasional war, but nothing much. Life is mundane, however, and boring. Books and games exist and are fun, but they can only do so much, which often leads youth to cause trouble, just to stave off boredom. Global news and conditions that don't effect the people are ignored. The era is the era of Einhal. War has broken out, between the two major kingdoms, and their allies. Magic runs rampant and is used as a tool, and it's extremely similar to . Life being boring is the least of the people's problems, and thus don't go in seek of entertainment, unless they are extremely well off. Those able usually fight in the war, and those that can't try to help the cause when they can. There aren't many places untouched by the war. However, there is an anomaly in the otherwise unconnected worlds. There is a book in each world that serves as a portal- when something is inserted into the binding, it comes out on the other side, in another universe. If something is written on the pages, it appears on the other side. It appears completely out of place- For the futuristic world, it looks old-timey; For the magical world, it appears metallic and stylized. For whatever their reasons, one person from each world stumbles upon the book, and its strange properties, and it turns out, the people in each world are exact copies of those in the alternate world, though their personalities are changed. If one is violent in the first world, the violence is kept inside as only a thought in the other. Strangely enough, if a person gets damaged, their doppelganger gets the same damage when asleep. But the government in the first world is rapidly and insidiously growing, and the story of a book that "leads to a world of doppelgangers and immense power" is spreading in the second- even to the opposition in the war, who will do anything to win. Will the two book owners manage to keep their books safe and create a safe place, or will they be separated once again? Or, will the two books fall into the wrong hands?