I was thinking the large chamber because I was imagining hundreds of races. Delegates from even just 50 different races would fit in Ten Forward. ANd they don't have to float, it could be a slightly more robotic arm device, or something like that. As for the point of large chamber and floating platforms, for the sake of the RP, it's far more intimidating and oppressive than the relaxed close quarters settings of small meeting halls, and the over all feel of the RP seems to fit with that idea. We want the android to feel small, insignificant, and like they are all looking at him, judging him. Because the other delegates can move in to speak, to basically take the stage away at any time is the idea. However if you don't like the platforms idea, I would at least like to hold on to the set-up of all the delegation on risers all around a central area, where the subjects or people who want to speak need to stand so all can see and hear them. Each time someone wants to be heard they have to go down to the floor, on level with the one they are disputing or supporting. Of course the "High Council" like people/beings can talk from their box, because they are just basically regulators for the proceedings :P