Revamped with BBCode, brought to you by Based Mahz! I noticed I made a lot of typos before while redoing this thing... Faction Key: [color=ed1c24]DERB[/color] [color=39b54a]Vanguard[/color] [color=0072bc]Voyager[/color] [color=f7941d]Unburdened[/color] [h2]Main Cast[/h2] [hider=Main Characters]The Red Zephyr - [Url=][color=0072bc]Ian Numa Gray[/color] and [color=39b54a]Azra Haudam[/color][/url] Fat Boy Kyle - [url=][color=ed1c24]Lucius Fairfax[/color][/url] SirBeowulf - [url=]Jones Abrams[/url] jumjummju - [url=]Catherine Rola and Dave Thronton[/url] Ink Blood - [url=]Arthur Collins[/url] [s]Uffizi - [url=][color=0072bc]Icarai[/color] [color=f7941d]Buchinsky[/color][/url][/s] MIA [s]Xenonia - [url=]Percival Elsby[/url][/s] MIA [s]Chromane - [url=]Tobias Smith[/url][/s] MIA [s]Thess - [url=][color=f7941d]Maul and Freya[/color][/url][/s] MIA[/hider] [h2]Supporting Cast[/h2] [h3]Faction Characters[/h3] [hider=The Unburdened][b]Albatross[/b] - The mysterious figurehead of the Unburdened. Propaganda depicts him as and older man with his left arm in a sling. Very little is known about this man or his real motivations; only that he aims to unite the Burdened and end their suffering.[/hider] [hider=Avant Garde][b]Liliana Wilson[/b] - Leader and "President" of the Vanguard. Hailed as the next Natalie Durlin, Wilson fights for the the end of DERB and UNO's legacy, the resurgence of liberty and democracy, and the reclamation of humanity's lost cities. She is a charismatic young woman, but is often chided for her naivete and reckless idealism.[/hider] [hider=Disaster and Emergency Response Bureu (DERB)][b]Alberto Melioda[/b] - General of the DERB remnants and head of its council. Many see him as an aging relic of the past, still obsessed with UNO's ideals of control through military might. To some degree, he does try to carry on the UNO mantle but also recognizes that the rules of the old world do not apply. Although he leads the enigmatic "committee", he often tends to butt heads with them. [b]The Committee[/b] - The only thing resembling an executive government in the DERB, this council has the final say on most decisions and actions taken by the military remnant. They are an assortment of military officers and advisers that help guide the DERB from the shadows.[/hider] [h3]Other Characters[/h3] [hider=Groups and Cells] [b]Jones's Crew[/b] - A group of men and/or women that accompany Jones on his journeys. Ron is one of the guards, and is not too fond of Burdened. Jeremy is another named member. [b][color=0072bc]Ryan's Squad[/color][/b] - Voyagers lead by a man named Ryan. His group is made up of Cassy (Girl#2), Rudy (Horny Hairless), The androgynous "Tall Person", the "Quiet Girl", and Ian. [b][color=39b54a]Baxter's Vanguard Cell[/color][/b] - Vanguard cell lead by Baxter. Members include Kara, Jeremy(2), Derrick, and Azra. [b]John Wetty and His Thugs[/b] - Mayor and proprietor of Asylum and its main "industry". As an albino, he is sensitive about both his eyesight and appearance. His left hand man is a brute named Goy (and his right is probably Koil). Another minion of his is named Tyus.[/hider] [hider=Supporting Characters] [b]Jill[/b] - An information broker working in Asylum. Most of her information is gathered through her many "working girl" informants. She is very close with Kara, a member of Azra's Vanguard cell. [b]Cassandra[/b] - A dead harlot with information on whoever Icarai is chasing. She also happened to be Jill's informant at Wetty's Place. [b][i]Him[/i][/b] - Mysterious unnamed character that is terrible at cooking. He carries a very ornate rapier weapon. [s][b]Vince[/b] - A member of Tobias's Vanguard cell.[/s] MIA [/hider]