![Gwen Sniegow](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/118/b/9/Tifa_Lockheart_by_Rimma911.png "Dat Gwen") **Name:** Gwen Sniegow **Nickname:** Chrome **Gender:** Female **Element:** Water **Personality:** Much of like to her element; Chrome is not as gentle as she is made out to be. Level headed at times but tends to show frigidness, putting up an icy ego in such manner, taking things quite personal or seriously due to pride. One may say, it is a trait of a smart person. In fact she is just straight out truthful, picky, and hates sugarcoating yet ironically a hypocrite herself. Chrome tries to be more open to others but because of her mood swings, it is difficult to understand her; even the way she speaks, mostly implied through harsh words, methods, and body language. **Other:** Like her element. The intelligence department is usually the part where she starts showing off in either a good way or a bad way. She is addressed as Chrome and prefers it that way. She prefers the cold weather. Like her motif for the cold, she is mostly seen eating desserts. Preferred weapon: Bow and arrow. Her magical shard is accessorized as that of a necklace, choker style. Meaningful name. Gwen = White, Sniegow = Snow. Altogether, White Snow.