> There are actually a couple of characters with speed powers and another with ability to show duplicates of herself. > > She didn't reject your character outright, she asked to alter a single mostly inconsequential aspect, you didn't really show any proof that there was no resemblance you simply stated it and for the record Lug is one of the most reasonable GMs I have ever worked with. > > She asked you to make one minor edit and you flew off the handle into some sort of hyper rage. If you don't want to be in the RP don't but don't insult people who are simply trying to make this thing work. This is meant to be fun, it is alright to get invested in a character I often am myself as most ate an expression of things I can't do or say in the real world but I think you're taking this to seriously. > > On another note, I just realized there us no history option for the character sheets, is that just supposed to be explored IC? ^^^ I don't feel the need to repeat what he just said. The only unreasonable individual here seems to you, in that you're not looking at this rationally or with a level head. Take a step back for a moment and look at it from someone else's perspective or leave altogether. Simple as that. Your perspective of your own character is skewed... because it's your own creation (that's, sadly, how writing works), so maybe come back to it, then analyze and compare whilst trying to read it from a perspective other than your own. Then maybe you'll see what Lugubrious was trying to tell you. And please, crushed is a very dramatic word to use. Your character concept was merely set back a few paces and only requires a creative mind to twist and turn into something more unique. With the attitude you have in regards to changing something a GM requests of you, you're just going to hold yourself back further, especially if you continue with the attitude whilst tweaking your character. If you go in thinking you're making a second rate character, then you're going to create a second rate version of your previous character. So... don't go in thinking like that. Rather, think, "I'm gonna make him/her even better than before," and you'll have way more success and fun. Might even stumble on a gem that way. (Realize that a lot of great characters go through various iterations of themselves before the final product is churned out. Even then, they're technically unfinished characters because they have to go through their own development and growth before coming out as a fully recognized individual. If that's their endgame and if they're dynamic individuals as opposed to static, e.g. anti-heroes or straight to the core villains. *shrug*) And that's my cue to make my character. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo I've been hella busy, doe. Liek hotdamn mother fucker. AND YOU ASSHOLES ACCUMULATED 7 PAGES WHILE I WAS AWAY.