Illian stood alone among the mages, the other mages stood together, in groups of 2 or 3 chatting, planning and taking support from each-others presence. Not Illian, he had heard their mutterings, a good half of them expected him to turn on them as soon as the fighting started. One of the younger mages kept glancing at him nervously when she thought he wasn't looking, he waited until she must be looking and then spun around catching her eyes with his, he smiled a toothy grin and snorted with laughter as she flinched away. None of the other mages noticed, they were all paying attention to the speech underway, humans and their speeches pfft. The gate splintered and a large hole appeared in it, revealing a monstrous skull that seemed to grin at them through the gate. A shiver of fear shot up Illians spine as he muttered under his breath. "by Nix" Another figure moved out to join the speech giver and after a quite word turned to address the army. “Soldiers! Rejoice in the fact that the Goddess herself is here with us right now-" Illian tuned him out, fighting the urge to spit at the mention of the 'Goddess'. The gate finally collapsed but instead of the hoard of monsters he had expected there was nothing. An expectant silence hung over the army as they waited, it was broken as giant monstrous creatures wielding great hammers appeared, muttering broke out among the mages and soldiers shifted idly, displaying their nervousness at such a foe. The commander called for archers and soon a rain of arrows was in the air, for all the good it would do. The creatures charged and the soldiers engaged them, Illian watched as the carnage raged across the street, glad atleast not to be in range of those hammers, he ached to start casting spells but he had learned that humans were very insistent on waiting for orders, so he watched and waited for the call. Finally the monsters had fallen though many men had fallen also, Illian looked to the gate, there were always more, always without fail another hoard waiting to attack. He was proved right moments later as strange creatures began marching through the gate, he had to do a double take as the neat lines and orderly formations became evident and for the second time that day Illian felt a shiver run up his spine. Again archers were called for but as the arrows flew down upon the beasts they moved, forming a shield wall as strong as any he'd seen from humans, the arrows clattered off the shields and then the creatures charged, lightning fast for the human lines. Finally the order rang out “Archers, mages, pick your shots!” Illian threw a few ice shards into the approaching mass to no noticeable effect, the battle lines clashed and Illian struggled to find a clean angle to hit the beasts. He paused for a moment thinking, if only he had some water or ice to work with, he could make his own but it would take so much effort, he might not have the strength to fight. He sent out his thoughts questing for anything he could use and for a moment felt something far off but then it was gone. He frowned and with a grimace sat down cross-legged in the muddy street, staff placed horizontally across his knees. He closed his eyes and tuned everything out, carefully he sent his senses out again questing for the ice he had sensed until suddenly he had it, he grinned and looked straight up, dark clouds hung overhead hiding the clear blue sky he'd so come to love since leaving constant storms of the icefields. Still this would take some doing, he closed his eyes again and with great care began his casting. Overhead something changed, the clouds began swirling, slowly ever so slowly the individual ice particles that made them began to join together. Illian sat, eyes closed, concentrating, If he slipped the ice would be wasted, falling from the sky in too small forms and not directed.