-------------------------------------- ~~~~~~Agrabah / Royal Street (Main Street leaving from the Palace)~~~~~~ Speed had slowed for the charging beast, yet its mind was still as quick and as sharp as ever thanks to its many eyes still present along its body, each one sending a wave of information to it. Wildly Asahina swung her claws as she danced around the creature, tearing solid lumps of flesh from the abomination which promptly became nothing more than splashes of liquid darkness, and yet still the beast swung just as frantically back at the attacking woman. As more of the abomination faded with every swipe and devour from Asahina, the splashes that stained the ground still completed their purpose, with many more of the Neo-Shadows sprouting up like weeds, but like the others soon retreated to the shadows in fear of the two beasts of darkness attacking one another. Soon there was nothing left of the monster except the destruction it had caused in its wake, that and the now rare drops of darkness stained ground from which the new groups of Heartless had come from. Crawling towards the shaking form of Asahina after her fragile mind had returned, the new Heartless that remained quickly returned to their own feral minded selves, the now growing group turning on the only other two figures that weren't like them. Stirred into a frenzy the Neo-Shadows flung themselves towards the large barrier created by Salforge, their large claws bouncing off the reflective surface while others reduced themselves to their famous liquid darkness. Staining the barriers it was as if the creatures were learning what worked and didn't, the more forceful ways being one that didn't, and so becoming liquid as if to try and leak through any cracks or spaces that might exist, all to get at the two figures, more the one who possessed a heart than anything else. ~~~~~~Agrabah / Palace Gates~~~~~~ Though the massive gates had been charged through by the Abomination of darkness, unlike the weaker constructs that were destroyed in the creature's wake as it made its way down Royal Street, those that separated the palace from the rest of the city were sturdy enough to survive in one whole piece. The masked and robed figures that had been responsible for letting the beast loose continued with their duties, most monitoring the machines that had been set up around them, while a small handful that seemed to be in charge made any needed changes due to the data being transmitted to them. The sound of the main machine, that seemed to branch out and link to all the others, beginning to power down, immediately caused all of the figures to stop what they were doing and watch for any changes. Only a low hum and flicker of life from the machine showed any kind of continued activation, and with no apparent change the lead masked figure's eyes began to glow a dark purple, an action that quickly spread through to the other figures and most likely anything else like them. ~~~~~~Agrabah / Bazaar-Inn Street~~~~~~ Though the panicking crowds had fled the bazaars of Royal Street, those who populated the side areas seemed to remain oblivious to what was happening. The inns and taverns that seemed to pop up everywhere were still full of drinking and eating customers, and the more smaller stalls that couldn't handle Royal Street were still selling their tiny amount of wares to any passer-bys. Though the strange clothes worn by the walking Nomis and Caleb were clear enough to tell everyone who saw them that they weren't from this world, the way the crowds parted and quickly moved out of their way was also clear of the authority and powerful presence they had. The sudden immediate halt to Nomis' steps was enough to cause Caleb to stop in turn, looking back towards his uncle and about to question whatever had changed. The dark look of his uncle's eyes told Caleb all he needed to know, the young man taking the time to look around their current surroundings while Nomis silently stood. "_What is it? Has the experiment already completed its task?_" "_**Yes Lord Clacverk...monitoring it after release the experiment gave a strong and constant pulse of energy. Which quickly faded after, we agree to be most logical, the assimilation phase from the target.**_" "_Good, the foreign entity should make any kind of control of the target simple once it has been given time. Begin increasing the pulse now steadily._" "_**Yes Lord Clacverk...**_"