Back on Earth, there was a very unhappy young lady who was once more in trouble- this time for lighting the stove without a match. And it really was not her fault at all, no not all..... Mystique was sitting in the outer office of the Orphanage's Warden's office. The receptionist was keeping an eye on the witchy girl even though she was typing. Soon Wardeness Taylor opened the door and motioned for Mystique to come inside. Mystique was very nervous as she went inside the room. She sat down when she was motioned to do so. It was then that Mystique began to speak "It truly was not my fault, Wardeness Taylor. Honest it wasn't! It was just because" Mystique began. The Wardeness placed a finger on her lips and Mystique was silenced to the point of the fact she could no longer talk. As if it wasa simple magic trick. "Mystique, I brought you in here because today is your 15th birthday. In the fact that you are our eldest orphan here, and the fact that you have no one to be friends with since all are much younger than yourself, I have come to a decision. You may shop for your birthday in our attic. I was going to wait until your 16th birthday but i feel that you should be mature enough to do so this year. I have a maid ready to take you upstairs to the attic. Choose one of the satchels as you go inside. They are on the right. You may place anything and everything you want in the satchel. No limits of what you may put inside. if it fits, then it is yours. Work from the front and go to the back. DO the pictures last. Remember to do the pictures last." the Wardeness spoke firmly in her no nonsense tone. "Bessie, you may come in now. Please take Miss Mystique to the attic and allow her complete freedom to look about and to place what she wants in a satchel. That is all.. Miss Mystique, I wish you well on your 15th birthday. may you survive Life's Journey to enjoy many more. Take care of yourself. May the luck of the Irish travel with you as you go." Mystique spoke nothing as if she was in a trance. She went upstairs with Bessie who unlocked the attic doors. She stood back and allowed Mystique to go inside. Once Mystique was inside, she snapped back to her old self. "My what good fortune I have today. Now to get the satchel.... here is one that tickles my fancy. Such pretty roses on it. Now to find some items to put in it..... Ah... such pretty baby dolls. I think that I shall have one...." Mystique chose one that had bright red hair and in an Irish dancing dress. A small doll trunk was found and stuffed full of outfits, tiny shoes and such. A padded trunk was chosen for the doll. Both were placed in the satchel with plenty of room to spare. A small chair and bed was easily placed inside as well. Mystique was so surprised that the satchel held so much. She placed a few dresses that were fancy in the satchel, a set of books with weird writing on them plus a number of other books. She found a harmonium that she just had to have which was tucked inside. Then she was at the pictures. She found a series of pictures of an old Apothecary and others done by the same artist. But it was now that she felt a strange desire for a certain painting..... Not this castle one but she took it anyways..... yes this was the picture calling her! She knew not how the picture was calling her but it was. Then there it was hiding in the last stack of paintings nearly the last one in fact! She pulled it out of the stack and she had a strange feeling of being pulled into the painting....... "This must be how Alice in Wonderland felt! A simple falling down... down.... into a rabbit hole..."came across Mystique's active imaginative mind spoke. After falling a very long ways, Mystique found herself hitting a spongy yet very firm ground. "Well, I guess that wonders will never cease when one is blessed on one's birthday!" she spoke out loud as she bounced about for just a minute or two.