I apologize for that sudden absence, just hanging out with my best friend as much as possible before we don't see each other for 5+ months. :/ Okie dokie then... Talija, c3, and Masaki you are all accepted and may switch your characters over to the other tab at your earliest convenience. Ragnarok, I thought it'd be nice to give everyone a little edge up in something but if you wish to keep Sinclair rather neutral be my guest. He is accepted but your picture has stopped working, so whenever you can fix that you may switch him over with the others. ^.^ That just leaves Raven as Earth, I'll shoot them a PM later tonight if they don't show up before then. > Is this still accepting? In a way, yes and no. ravenDivinity has first claim on the Earth child slot, however I was telling someone else on the interest check that I could make alternate roles available if you'd truly like to join. The group is made up of children, so they'll probably be sent with an adult to watch over them, a warrior of sorts to keep them safe until they grow into their powers. If that sounds alright to you, feel free to put together a CS with N/A in the Elements slot and your character's age in Other. A general note, I saw a few mentions of school in your CS's and it occurred to me that I didn't think of such a thing. The little details that slips one's mind. The setup of the world is very Pangea-like, mostly one giant mass with other smaller masses out at sea. Territories rather than Countries, and the time is a little older than medieval but not quite advanced. Needless to say, school is going to be kept similar with minor differences. History class is more like Geography, no gym just wilderness survival, farm animal care, horseback riding, forget math... I hate math. The classes are geared towards daily life, whereas activities are aimed at those who wish to someday travel or leave the village. Needed for both protection as well as handy skills to earn tournament money. XD And the village they live in is large for a village but too small to be considered a city. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'll be posting my character sheet soon.