Making his way to the pentagon building, Peter Parker sat in his car, listening to some pop song on the radio. It was one of two cars be drove, the other one being the car he bought with tournament money he had won the night of his uncle's death. He bought the car he was planning on getting as a reminder of his uncle, whom he had an argument with just hours before he was killed. Peter wasn't really the kind of guy to have a garage full of cars, but that one had irreplaceable and sentimental value to him, and he couldn't get rid of the old beater if he tried. A few minutes later, Peter parked his car in his usual spot near the pentagon and walked the rest of the way to the building. While he would normally swing through the city in his costume, his job working for SHIELD and with the Project: X-men had made changes to his life. Under his agent suit he wore his specially made stealth-spider suit, which had been designed by the people of SHIELD and project: X-men. He loved it, and it was much better than the [suit he had made himself]( He kept his mask inside the hidden pocket on the inside of his suit jacket so nobody could see it, but it was still there when needed. Several scanners and secret lifts later, Parker entered the X-men level, where he had been working for the last few months. When he had first joined SHIELD, it was more of a simple affiliation since he continued to fight crime and work for the Daily Bugle to pay rent. A few weeks of that, and Peter was made an official SHIELD agent, where he was paid actual money by them, and a fair amount of it. While he continued to fight crime, he also did a plethora of missions just for the agency, like stealth and infiltration. Eventually, he was moved to DC to be a part of the X-men program, but still more or less did the same things. Though, he did make friends like Doctor Richards and Hank Mccoy who were also scientists like he was. With Richards in mind, Peter decided to take a peak into his office, finding the elastic man on his way to the door. Peter opened the door fully and smiled at him. "Hey Reed, you been here all night?" He asked him, taking in the signs of the office and Doctor Richards himself.