[quote=Wind Wild] Ah-ahahahah. Yeah, sorry, couldn't help but let Jace act like a total mental ass. XD;; It doesn't happen so often though, I think... I hope...Ashe, I was going with her description in her CS... Maybe I misunderstood it but it says "her clothing is usually a little ripped up and her knees are almost always skinned as she's a little clumsy. She's often got light scratches and bruises." Should I change it?Yeah, as you can see Lacie's not sure what to make of Alec. xD And I bet he'll do a great job at convincing her that he's not a weirdo. Sol, my policy is, if you feel inspired - write cuz you don't know when the next time will be. XD [/quote] Whoa. I did a total brainfart there. Yeah, I meant ripped in the knees, but I didn't connect that, I thought you meant ripped all over. xD Sorry. No editing needed, just a misunderstanding. :)