Freezing for only a moment at Ethan's query, her mind flooded with irrational thoughts - How had he found out? What it that obvious? Who else would know? However, she swiftly realized that is just a question - not an accusation. Still, it was best to tread carefully around this topic. "Well... I think they have a gift." She eventually began, her voice soft so the others in the corridor wouldn't overhear their slightly controversial topic. "And the world just isn't ready to accept them for it yet." She finished, then paused, thinking about it. "I suppose they're a bit like the Mutants from X-Men... although less destructive." She added with a light chuckle, as they moved from Ethan's locker to the stairs - the Art room was on the third and top floor, in the older part of the building that dissuaded many students from lingering around there. Apart From Steph. She was sure she had seen Ethan up there sometimes too, outside of class. She was silent for only a few moments as they ascended the stairs, and she looked back at Ethan curiously. "What made you ask? Is it something you feel strongly about?" She asked, her head inclined in an inquisitive manner.