**Name:** Rayna Bryson **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Race:** Human **Weapon:** [Chaotic Order (2x)]( http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/224/2/8/flamesword_by_raverunner-d6hs9ws.jpg ) Whenever she left Atlas and abandoned her father's dreams of her becoming an officer one day, she thought it would only add salt to the wound if she took the family weapon as well - she had younger siblings who might have chose a different path than her. Some might have wanted the weapon to fight for Atlas. So, finding herself without any weapons, Rayna set about trying to change that. What she came up with was a sword that had specially modified to double up as a shotgun, of sorts. Of course, one was just too little so she had to make a second one just in case! Eventually, she started dual-wielding the gunblades though. **Specialty:** A frontline warrior/tank that dishes out heavy damage and keeps an enemy's concentration on her to prevent it from focusing other teammates. Not very well armoured but makes up for it in damage. **Semblance:** _Spectral Chains:_ Rayna has the strange ability to manifest her aura into physical chains which can implant themselves in targets or objects and be used for movement or impressive combo-attacks. She has direct control of the chains but they only have a short durability and due to the fact that she has to swing about on them with heavy weapons and armour, they can tire her quite extensively. **Personality:** Being the little girl who had more cuts and bruises than she could count usually caused a great disdain with her mother but no punishment could ever deter her from going out and finding another (usually disastrous) adventure. She carried that same mentality as she grew up but eventually, as her sense of fair-play and the heretical desire to protect the innocent kicked in, Rayna took her skills from spending a childhood fighting and turned them into something she truly desired - to be a hero. Not just a normal hero; no, she wanted to be the proud flag-bearer of freedom. Nothing held her back - her father was a well-regarded Atlas General and his prestige carried on in his daughter's fighting skill, not to mention the fact that his rank automatically rewarded her with a place in Atlas' top academies. Eventually, under the strict militaristic teachings from the Atlas academies, Rayna became a hardened, well-disciplined fighter who could and would go through anything to guarantee the lives of others. She was a soldier, essentially, a damn good soldier but there was a problem with that - soldiers follow too many orders. It's not the place of a soldier to question morality or judgement; they just do as their told. That's not what she wanted - she wanted the freedom to make choices, to be able to stand for what she believes, not what her leaders believe. So, although it broke her father's heart and it shattered her loyalty, she decided that Beacon would serve her cause much better. Just because she's turned her back on the Atlas military, however, doesn't mean she doesn't carry similar principles. Essentially, she believes that every stride should be taken to ensure that the guilty are suitably punished and the innocent are protected. Her sense of protection can border on motherly, which would make her an awkwardly clingy leader, and similarly, if you threaten one of those she 'protects', Rayna will hurt you in places you didn't know could experience pain. What she makes up for in strength, loyalty and perseverance, she lacks in basic common sense. To put it simply, Rayna has 'blond moments' regularly and although this never affects her actual fighting, it can prove to be a bit embarrassing when she just pops out with something that sounds ridiculous when examined later - she's more of a shoot-first, ask questions later sort of girl. Anyhow, despite her flaws, you couldn't hope to find anyone so steadfast and loyal. At the end of the day, she'll lay her life down for you and not think twice for a single moment about said decision. **Color:** Ruby **Emblem:** A white hammer against a backdrop of a red rising-sun. **Appearance:** ![Appearance](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/216/9/a/sinon_png_by_tranzicola-d7tqfn3.png "Rayna")