MMM, thanks for the update. @Agent, your character is so ludicrously zany that I love it. Two alterations I recommend: the only way to deploy the Unsubtle is with the manned Airjets, meaning that it can only be put in use on away missions. It really doesn't have much of a use in an sort of casual setting, anyway. The second is that he be given a sidearm, a simple, semiautomatic revolver with a dust plug rather than a barrel, to use in said casual settings. @Prince, I have...well, a lot of weapon ideas. A particularly good one I have been saving up, one that I am hesitant to share, is as follows. The student has four chainsaws, all of them much like swords, about two feet long each, and only about three inches wide. These are stored in slots on a small metal backpack the student wears, which also charges them with electricity coming from two dust batteries when they're there. The student is also equipped with two specialized shoes, the bottoms of which have ports that a chainsaw can be inserted into, allowing them to function like treads. Said chainsaws can also be thrown, and will remain active as long as they're switched on. In this way, the user is capable of attacking with chainsaws both in hands and on feet, move at high speed across the ground and up walls, and cut down anything that stands in their way. The saws' names are spraypainted in white onto the sides of their guide bars: Ego Torqueat (I hurt), Ego Scalpere (I slice), Ego Praecidi (I cut) and Ego Finire (I end). I have more, including but not limited to, a Grand Knuckle, an Egyptian-themed missile silo, a special shotgun, a revolver hammer, a staff/sniper rifle, watery boots, a fan shield, and a fiery wheel. @Narc, Rayna is accepted. @Dharc, I also like Vivian more than Dakota. Why don't we make him an NPC for now; I'll hang onto the character, and you main Vivian instead?