Even though this girl, Belle, had reassured her that her messy habits wasn’t anything she should be conscious of, Poppy still grabbed a napkin and swiped it over her face, removing tomato sauce from her lips. The blonde leaned her weight on her elbow that was digging into the table, telling herself to eat slowly and savor the taste. Yet still, she devoured it at a pace most would turn their noses at. The silence became awkward for Poppy, but she figured that the other girl didn’t feel it at all – she seemed so relaxed. “Um, ah, uh…” She meant to finish her sentence and ask what it is that Belle was working on; however, the commotion had gained her undivided attention. Forks and knives suddenly flew up as shouting occurred and Poppy ducked her head down, placing her hands protectively over her head. It would suck if she died by a fork, seriously. Peeking through her sloppy bangs, she managed to see the knight that had materialized over a girl’s anger. That was when chaos erupted: people laughed and then fought, did nothing and then did everything. Colors swirled in a mass of powers, fire and ice, flight and speed. It was all a blur for Poppy as she attempted to press her face into the table. It was only when, after all the shouting and yelling had stopped, that Poppy lifted her head. There was nothing more to attack – the knight was gone. “Should we, ah, go see what, um, happened?” Poppy inquired, looking at Belle expectantly.