**Coldcoast - Garet** As the ship bumped into the docks Garet left off the boat and moved with a purpose, as he passed village folk waved or nodded, some even cheered in his direction or congratulated him on another job he did well but he ignored them. As he made it to the mayors house he didn't have to knock before the graying mayor answered the door sighting the young knight on his approach up the hill. "What is it Garet?" The man asked, Garet stepped into the main hall without invitation and spoke. "I think we need to speak with the nobles for help." "Have you lost your mind Garet? The nobles would only demand more from us." "And have you lost your mind sir? They might demand more but better to pay them more than end up losing everything to robbers and looters." "You're talking nonsense just give them a little bit of coin here and there and they will leave us alone." Garet shook his head, he wanted to say it wasn't so easy that paying them wouldn't end their problems only worsen it when others heard about how easy it was to stake a claim out here. "I'm going to Snow Crest." Garet said. "Do as you wish boy but when things only worsen i will let the village know who did this to them." "If it gets worse then i will gladly accept the villages hatred but I'm doing whats best for all of us." And with that Garet turned and left slamming the door to the mayors house and stalking back to his hut on the beach. Waiting within the shallows was Picsis who automatically brightened upon sight of her master. "I'm heading out to Snow Crest Picsis and i can't take you i'd freeze to death. So i'll meet you up there when i can." The Magikarp gave her master a understanding wink and went upriver while Garet packed his Seel skin bag with a few provisions and essentials. The quickest route to Snow Crest by land was through the mines but it was treacherous and very few went through both sides of the mine unless they were asking for trouble from a few zubats and various other cave creatures that annoyed passers-by but it was a risk that Garet would have to take the village needed as much help as it could get as it could end up losing trade if the raiders kept at it. As Garet was leaving his eyes fell on the seal that dominated much of his life, it was such a odd symbol with a picture of a Salamence clutching a broken shield, he wasn't even sure if his former lords house stood but just presenting the seal should be enough to get him the audience he needed with the noble so hesitantly he snatched it up and packed it away. Fully packed he set out and walked out of town and into the mines. Upon entry he lit a torch and proceeded onward through the caverns.