Louise grinned. Simultaneously, several things happened. Henrietta 'eeped'. Everyone stampeded for the door. Jason was already gone. Anderson sank to his knees. Lietman turned pale white and started trembling. Michael started _crying_. Winston's representatives were on the floor hugging each other, trying their best not to stare at the incarnation of evil before them. The small girl approached Harold slowly. She still bore her grin, and had the air of a predator approaching it's prey. "Since when have I ever stated that I was punishing just . . . whatever her name is? Oh no, oh no no _no_. _Everyone_ involved is getting a piece of the pie. From Michael and his little lackeys to the girl. In any case . . . the girl still gets the worst outcome. Why? Because even if she was provoked, that _still_ doesn't change the fact that _only_ _she_ used her ability with violent intent. You want to play knight in shining armor, boy? Well then, tell me this: why did you not do a thing when Lietman came in and shook her down? Why did you not approach her, protect her and reassure her? "You somehow think this will be okay if you share her punishment? What would that do? The fact is you _failed to help her when she needed it most_. "If you _really_ cared for her, you would have stopped all this from happening in the first place."