_Shit..._ Belle thought, her eyes widening at the sight. _So many interesting characters. ~_ Muse sang. _...Something like that..._ She returned. **"HM?!"** Belle practically shouted when Poppy asked her in she wanted to _go_ see what happened. She shook her head fervently. **"No. I'm fine watching from here."** She replied curtly, turning to look at Poppy, trying to gauge Poppy's emotions. Scared, confused, curious... A small smile grew on Belle's lips as she listened to the heart songs in the room. If she were sane, she probably would have run with these frightening, sad heart songs occurring all around her. They spoke of bad memories and a force of nature stronger than most. She should have left, but she felt compelled to stay and witness all of this. She would write it down in her journal later and use it for something. What, she didn't know but every experience was worth keeping. Well, there was also the fact that her knees were shaking so, and she couldn't bring herself to stand up much less run...