The dust had settled fairly quickly, and the transient chaos gave way to a relative quietude. [Timothy ]( his brow and widened his eyes at recognition of the two characters in the spotlight, being dogged by the Ruler quintet: [Harold]( and [Theresa](, the strangers he had met this morning, the two who hit it off pretty well (and pretty damned quickly, too), and were now in seemingly gargantuan trouble. It would seem that the titan was of their doing, and though he did not want to judge prematurely, it all seemed like it was their fault. Had they abused their powers? His fingers slackened on his crucifix and reluctantly let it go, but his characteristically mild demeanor was gone: his was a scowl true and ugly. _"She delivers her judgement like the Marshall of the Knights of Solomon,"_ Cadwal smirked, referring to Louise. _"For a little girl like her, to wield such authority in her voice and to have that authority respected by -- this is bloody brutal. I would laugh; I want to laugh, but..."_ It was a mild struggle to keep serious in situations like these whenever the ghostly knight delivered his ridiculous commentary. Maybe Tim needed it to loosen up; his scowl relaxed into something more gentle as ghostly snickering echoed inside his mind.