[img]http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/270/5/4/garrett___thief_by_yibingling-d6ny4wn.png[/img] Name: Thom Eicren Age: 25 Gender: Male Personality: Thom can be described simply as the loudest thief alive, he's overly talkative, lude, and his habits leave nothing to be be desired he is often bragging about heists that he has pulled off to anyone within ear shot even if it gets him in trouble with the guards, if his bragging and obnoxious attitude don't throw people off he is a heavy drinker and gambler often found in a inn with a woman in his lap, dice in hand, and a mug of ale not far out of reach this thief is the very embodiment of sleaze, but when it comes to work he is serious and he always gets the job done with the utmost tact, as well as the fact that he is not all bad there is a certain kindness to him especially around children that seems to stand out. Role/Title: Thom is a master thief if the rumors are true he can get into and go just about anywhere, can find weakness in just about every building and around every security detail, as well as his training as a thief he has training in a variety of weapons and poisons some time when he got into some "shady" work that he doesn't like to mention. His weapon skills lie with a small collapsible cudgel of his design, a falchion that's always on his hip and a bow. History: Thom's mother was a whore and his father was a thief and agent to the kingdom of Waylock, Thom's mother left shortly after his birth handing him off to his father luckily with the amount of coin he was bringing in the man could hire a maid for the boy while he did his work. This left the boy without his fathers guiding hand early on in his life and instead he was taught entirely by the maid about things such as reading, writing, and basic mathematics. But Thom wanted more, he wanted to be like his father he wanted to fight enemies of the king and at the age of ten the boy got his wish. Thom's father saw potential in the boy so he trained him, and in their training the two became as close as father and son should be. His lessons were complicated and the training was hard and for every mistake the boy earned a new bruise or scar. The training hardened him and made a near perfect thief out of him. At the age of sixteen Thom and his father parted ways with Thom's father having nothing left to teach the boy so he stuck out on his own and eventually found a noble who was worth stealing from, the noble in question was scum and was known to treat those under his hold like they didn't exist so Thom disguised himself as a wandering minstrel and robbed the man blind. He gave a majority of the loot to a village and left with the rest. As Thom went he made deals with people under the table for money he was known for breaking people out of jail, or stealing a valuable item or artifact. His success at these jobs coupled with the fact that he bragged about him gained him attention and with attention came trouble, a woman came to Thom asking him to do a lucrative job and kill someone of great importance, at first he refused and turned her away but each time she came back with an offer better than the one before eventually he accepted. She set him up with a contact who could help him and sent him out, his contact taught him a variety of poisons and how to make them so he could get creative. His job was simple the man he was to kill was very influential and his contact wanted him out of the way. So Thom did it without hesitation he poisoned the mans soup and walked away. He knew his job was done when the very next day they announced the man died, his reward wasn't the vast sum of wealth he was promised, his reward was being sold out and put into a prison cell for murder to live out the rest of his days. Eventually the kingdom changed hands and fell into control of Ovorion, Thom used the resulting upheaval to escape into the night and return home to his father so he would have a safe place to hide. What he found drove him to rage, his father had been tortured and murdered for his loyalty to the royal family. In many ways he blamed both sides of the conflict for the death of his father but ultimately it was Ovorion's fault, and when one of the queen's knights found Thom he signed on with the rebels and has been with them ever since. Anything extra:N/a