What do you guys like, huh? What do you want? Do you guys like AMVs? I don't see the appeal, but if it's what you want... [this one's from my personal collection](http://youtu.be/0xEAwr0fFXM) Vocaroo? You like those? You like getting personal? [Well I'm just going to cease this opportunity to tell you all my favorite joke.](http://vocaroo.com/i/s1umOCFavSbg) Who am I kidding. What spam really needs is more web comic content. I'll see what I can [whip up](http://romanticallyapocalyptic.com/158) for you guys. What are you saying? I think I heard someone in the back say that what they really want is more plush. I got nothing for you there, sorry. But I can at least offer you some [sick beats](http://i.imgur.com/75GR8FH.png). And if all else fails, I'll just improvise. I'm doing a live [Q&A on memes](http://youtu.be/XYUKJBZuUig) for the next hour or so. Tune in if you can.