Riley raced out the door of her apartment grabbing her jacket and cell phone as she darted between the furniture and out the door, troting down the flight of stairs she checked the time on her cell, *Dammit* she was gonna be late, again. Hoping over the railing she jogged across the parking lot toward her bike, a sleek black ninja motorcycle she had parked purposefully to take up two lanes, not that the bike took up much of those spaces. Sliding onto her bike and starting it she checked the time once more, she didn't live far from the Pentagon but she still needed to get a cup of coffee and her alarm only ever gave her enough time to get dressed, grab a slice of yesterday's pizza and go, Riley also refused to change her alarm. Racing down the busy road she wound her small bike between the slow moving cars with a graceful speed. Stopping at the coffee shop just down the road from work she ordered the normal caramel latte, extra caramel, extra whip cream, paying the lady she set the cup in the cup holder between her legs and raced through the traffic to work, she wasn't happy about being late again, and she was sure her superiors weren't going to be to happy either. Sliding her bike into her normal spot to the right of the main doors she grabbed her coffee and walked quickly inside, waving at the secretary at the desk she made her way down to the Project X-Men base, sliding her key card, scanning her eyes and the whole shebang. Strolling through the doors she takes a sip of her coffee and makes her way down the hall passing Peter and Doctor Richards with a small wave.