**Name:** Marian Anderson. **Alias:** None. **Age:** 24. **Appearance:** ![Marian Anderson](http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1501221-bigthumbnail.jpg) **Faction:** Civilian. **Occupation:** Court Stenographer. **Bio:** I was born and raised in Manhattan so it’s no surprise that I’m as knowledgeable about the streets as any of the other law enforcers out there. The only problem is that my dad won’t let me join the police force. ‘It’s too dangerous’ he’d say, ‘I don’t want to see you die’ he’d insist even though he allowed me to go through the academy; maybe in hopes that it would scare me away from the idea, but this valedictorian was far from scared. Though it seems like no one’s righting the wrongs in the city; the only place he’d let me even get _close_ to any action is as a Court Stenographer, type type type, type and more type, is all I ever do and while I’m not allowed to talk about the things I learn while I’m typing away on the funny looking keyboard… I learn a lot about the city, its people and just how corrupt the, so called, ‘ideals’ are. If my mom was alive, she’d be very disappointed at the things my father’s allowing this city, and it’s people to get away with. Sure I enjoy the higher end of life and the finer things that come with it; fancy parties, big apartment flats and smoking hot cars. But knowing it comes from, well blood money, doesn’t exactly make one feel nice. I will share with you a little information. Something that I know that most people don’t… Robert Locksley is a pain in the a**. Whenever he was in court, it felt like he’d purposefully talk faster just to see if I could keep up, and smart too. I’d watch defense attorneys’ knees buckle in fear when he’d enter the room. It’s sad to see he’s not practicing law anymore (don’t ask me what happened, I don’t know), but it’s nice not to see his arrogant personality anymore. I have noticed an increase in homeless people lately, which is sad in its own right. So I’ve made it a point to try to give whatever spare change I have to someone who I pass. I do see one however, that seemed to be pretty mobile as I run into him in quite a few places, one of my favorites was I was coming out of the donut shop and he held out his cup and instead of asking for change he asked for a donut. I laughed so hard that I gave him half of mine. I think he knows my route though, because every day when I go in for work, he’s begging by the courthouse so every day I drop off a donut to my beggar friend. It’s not money but it’s food right? **Personality:** Rather hard headed and diplomatically argumentative, it’s not her way or the highway but she’s not afraid to point out flaws and the negatives. Has a certain charm about her that helps her get what she wants and plays the innocent/dumb blonde card really well. All and all, she’s a nice girl, just rough around the edges. **Skills/abilities:** ~A ridiculously fast typer, obviously because of her job. ~Memory based around vocabulary, either written or spoken; a photographic memory only for words if you will. ~Hand-to-Hand combat training thanks to the academy. ~Gun usage, prefers a hand-held pistol but for obvious reasons (thanks dad) it doesn’t happen often. **Family/Loves Ones:** One father (Chief of Manhattan), mother’s dead. Siblings? Possibly… Someone wanna play a brother who joins the Merry Men?! I think that would be fun! Maybe friends with one of the female merry men? They went to school together or something?! **Other:** Loves to gossip about the Merry Men and their actions with her friends outside of work. In work they’d get rather butt-hurt that their employees were happy with what the Merry Men were doing but it’s about time there is some justice out there! And she never misses church and confession with Tryone Tuck.