Harold took one note of the rest of the room, and only raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like he was going to freak out more. He could already tell he was likely to get his ass handed back to him, baked, fried, *and* stired. So there wasn't any point in getting more worked up. But the fact that Thisa was trying to stand up for **him** just made life so much more confusing. He wanted to help his friend, sure. But that is a hell of a lot harder to do when said friend is trying to keep *you* from helping *her.* It was also annoying. Really, Harold was finally doing something and it's *now* that he has to get kicked out of the way? He just wanted to help his best friend damnit! And he'd be damned if he backed down to this tiny girl. Nope, he wouldn't run just because of how screwed he was *just because* she was a tiny girl. Tiny girls automatically can kick *at least* twice as much ass as a normal girl. Who also, automatically can kick twice as much ass as a normal guy, etc. So, basically, as a nerdy guy who was weaker than the normal guy....he was basically screwed about 8 or so times over. Wonderful. At least the math helped Harold's nervousness a small amount. Harold looked over his shoulder to Thisa, who was pulling his arm back and arguing with him to stop him from defending the both of them. He muttered to Thisa, who was standing very close to him and all, allowing for slightly more private words: "Thisa, I am unable to disengage from this fight at the moment. I am thrilled that you seem willing to care about the health and safety as one such as myself, howver I am still unable to back down from this Ms. At least, not after the words she has spoken to us." Harold remained firm in his desire. He wouldn't give up here, and he'd do his best to help them both. As such, he moved back in front of her, blocking her from Louise, and Louise from her. "And I will not back down from this. You may not wish of it Thisa, but as your friend, I cannot allow you to suffer without at least trying to assit you, and if possible, make your burden lighter. Even if that means I have to share a portion of it myself." Harold gave her a small, nervous grin at that, and turned back to Louise after a moment of thought. When Harold went over Louise's words once more, he formulated the best responses he could for who he was: "Ahm....Ms. Louise, even if she were the only person to have utalized her...." Harold used finger quotes, as he had no idea what this was: ""ability"....for violent intentions, it is as well that the child utalized what I can safely assume to be his own, for purposes of sexual harassment. Are you truely saying that a woman keeping herself and her body protected against such assaults? She, herself, was just enjoying a normal lunch hour, when he started this whole affair by sticking his legs out of her scarf without warning." Harold did his best to defend Thisa and her actions, obviously trying to show them in a logical, and normal reaction type of light. Not that he knew how often Michael did things like this. He was just trying his best with what he had on hand. Then he moved on to himself. "As well, Mr. Lietman, himself was absorbed in his apperent will to fight, completely ignoring the obvious signs of stress that Thisa held, and commited himself to getting his *boss* to play judge. You wish for me to reason why I did nothing to assist her? It is simple: Thisa is more than capable of taking care of herself, and to insinuate that I do not believe that, and as such should have quote *protected her* unquote, is insulting to me. It is not as if every man nor woman here is incapable of defending oneself, and as such it is not the job of another to try and be naive heroes or something of the sort." Harold was on a roll with his arguments. He didn't care if they weren't the best, weren't going to let him win, etc. He just was going to defend them. He damn well wasn't going down with a fight, and a verbal battle was sadly his best playing field besides gaming, hacking, etc. Those didn't count here. Harold finally went on to conclude his argument with: "And Ms. Louise, you seem to lack one very obvious and key detail as to why I would fail to do anything. I am a mostly useless in the real world currently. And I will admit that wholeheartedly, for if you do not know your own faults, and accept that they exist, then you fail to be prepared to deal with any situation. As well, I am unsuited to dealing with a situation such as this. I lack any talent or ability necessary to assist in keeping the child from sexually harassing Thisa, nor do I possess the strength necessary to hold Mr. Lietman away from her. The most apperent of any capablities that I hold, happen to lay in talking to the Machine that she built. Thus, it was the only real place that I would be capable of assisting in the handling of the situation. And I do not wish to play a...." Finger quotes""Knight in shining armor," however I do wish to assist my friend in any way that I can now. For now is a time where I could possibly assist her once more." Harold concluded, hoping that he **didn't** make the situation worse.