Harold realized that he was badly beaten. He may have been able to try to continue, but there would have been no point. He had forgotten that Thisa had a will of her own, and that this wasn't just a normal game. This was that horrible game called "Reality," and he sucked at it. Thisa wasn't just some NPC that needed protecting or assisting, or anything for that matter. She was another player, and she knew, at least kind of, what she was doing. When she gently pushed him to the side, Harold bowed his head in deafet, and moved back, whispering: "I apologize Thisa." Before he stepped out of her way. After a moment, he listened to Thisa's requests, and was generally ready to protest once more, but he thought better of it. He'd already disrespected her own freedom and authority over her life, and he would have to accept her own infingement in return. After Louise had pointed out how badly he had tossed aside Thisa, Harold felt his emotions slip away once more. He was back to normal, well, normal for Harold anyway, and as such would do his best not to make another scene. He silently went back to his normal "Stare and Wait" routine, and turned it on Louise, awaiting her verdict after his argument with her....argument, may not be the completely appropriate word for the matter, but Harold wasn't up for finding the right one. He gave another small sigh, and comtinued with what he was doing.