Louise stayed silent for a moment, before sighing. "How am I supposed to give the punishment when you've already asked for it? Newbies these days have no sense of fun . . ." She jotted a thumb at the mess that was the cafeteria. "Yeah, that's your punishment. Clean that shit up and return everyone's stuff with a full apology, got it? Your other punishment is to help out Michael with overseeing Lietman and Andersons fight - you get to be the judge. Other than that, you're done." Anticipating their dumbfounded looks, Louise smirked. "What, you think we'd give you some Nazi-esque hammer-down sentence? We're highschoolers, not soldiers." She turned towards Michael and his group. Her expression was much colder than the one she gave to Thisa. "As for you, shit-for-brains, I warned you to stop with the shadow pranks. And you, big blonde and dumb, keep your temper in that empty head of yours. Once your fight is over, I'm taking away your abilities for a week, got it?" Michael nodded eagerly, glad he didn't get sent to 'the Louise Room', however, Lietman turned red in the face. "I-" His mouth had barely opened when suddenly Louise patted him on the head. It was a funny gesture, since he was far taller than she was and she actually had to tiptoe to reach his head. Still, he paled and quickly tried to apologize. "I-" "Too late." Lietman sank to the floor, blubbering like an idiot and shivering like mad with tears streaming down his face. "Ubbu gueh augh auddududuuur uuuuuuhh . . . auuuu gahhhaahaha ooor~" Louise turned to everyone in left in the room. She was smiling slightly. "Any other objections?"