Jo had finished scribbling in the book, and, having gotten the feel for it, decided to not ruin anymore pages. She left it alone as she went over the inventory of the store again, watching the robot as it re-arranged the shelves, and occasionally helping the odd visitor. Finding herself bored and without work, she decided to try to write an idea or two for a book down in the blank pages in front of her. Except, she found herself watching silently as words faded into view in the pages of the book- words that she knew she didn't write. Curiously, and cautiously, she flipped through the book, turning it over to check the back cover for anything. Finding nothing that looked like a battery compartment, or a label, she turned it back to the page with words. She stared at it for a moment longer, before hesitantly writing something in it. "_What kind of book is this? I should be asking you. What brand is this book? Is it mind-controlled? Is it some sort of fancy tool for writers? I thought it was a notebook._" She paused, drawing a line just above the words that weren't hers. "_How do I enter the user Manuel for this book? Or, rather, find out what the model and make of this... thing, is?_" she continued, pausing again to think and quickly process a customers' order. _"Also, why is there a dead duke? no, stupid question, nevermind._" She added, then quickly put a line through. Finding it hard to tear herself from the book, she moved it away from the register to try to focus on work while she waited to see what would happen.