**Appling | Circus of Wonders, North Side** Yahtzee was immediately uncertain. *"I doubt there will be anything around here."* He said. *"I mean the circus always only transports the necessary props. Clothes just sort of got bought and sold as we went."* “Perhaps you’re right.” Cora folded her arms briefly, looking down in thought. “Perhaps… We won't know unless we look. I mean, that looks promising.” She said, gesturing to a couple bins outside a smaller tent to their left. The bins, upon closer examination were filled with washed, well-used garments. Probably on their second hand-me-down. The bins seemed to be waiting to be emptied at the communal garbage disposal, to Cora’s evident delight. She lifted the lid off one, going through old dresses and fake jewelry. From the delicate smile fixed to her lips, Cora’s enthusiasm was hard to miss. The Ringleader joined them unannounced, almost surprising Cora. She stopped rifling around in the bin long enough to hear him mention Will, but not before she found a new outfit. [She draped the garments across her arm, satisfied.](http://imgtest.meiliworks.com/pic/_o/48/f6/dba8c2a324b9fb24ed43f1f1c68d_480_600.jpeg) She’d go change after the leader of the circus spoke. The Ringleader smiled. *"The last time I saw him he seemed to be quite distressed. A girl approached him, they talked and he followed. Down there.”* Cora’s heart skipped a beat. *Shit…* She looked guiltily down at the bin, regretting the moment she let Will wander from the tent. She should have spoken up, made him stay. Ugh, how frustrating... Despite herself, Cora felt pressed to jog down the dim alley, coming across a few circus performers who refused to meet her wide eyes. They quickly dispersed as she approached, and would have disappeared completely had she not pinned one by placing a hand on the wall in front of him. Her grace was almost disarming. “Hey. How’s it going, jack?” She said, humor somehow woven into the cold, pissed off look in her eyes. “Do you know what happened to my friend in a fedora...?” She asked, pale eyes glinting. **Appling | Main Circus Tent’s Entrance** A thin lady with a psychic’s head wrap exited the circus tent, quickly moving past Phil before stopping. She slowly turned, almost sniffing the air for a scent. Her eyes latched on Phil’s and she marched back. “You, sir. You’ve caught Madame La Faire’s eye.” She firmly grasped the elemental’s hand with bony fingers, red-painted nails tracing the palm lines. “Virgo, serious-natured, doesn’t do well in crowds… Hmmm.” Her gaze snapped up. “Mr. Ripley, I see… Darkness. Your childhood was filled with darkness. Someone you loved… Your parents? They were in cramped spaces, treading where muffled voices echoed off crumbling walls. I feel a malicious intent, something’s lacking. A scarcity, yes.” She focused intently on him, pulling his hand closer. “They were removed, weren’t they… Because of a dwindling amount of resources…” The psychic merely sighed, examining the creases of Phil’s hand again. “It’s more common of a story that one would care to imagine, I’m afraid.” She said, quietly tutting. “There isn’t much else I can read except-- ...Oop! What’s this?” She stared intently at his hands before drawing a solemn gaze to his eyes. “There’s… such tragedy. A broken heart. Years of silence and uncertainty. Yet… a hope. A strange, fuzzy feeling of hope. A chance to do something great, or vile. The path ahead is dark...” She furrowed her brows, as if trying to piece together what it all meant. It was several uncomfortable moments before she came back from her thoughts, a cheeky grin flashing across her round face. “That’ll be five copper pieces, please.~”