[Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135) had indeed made true on his decisions and gawked around, chatting a bit with his fellow bystanders, Nescafé in hand. His inquiries were, for the most part, about how the cafeteria had become a warzone exactly. Apparently, one of the rulers, a guy named Michael, had acted like a pervert around [Theresa](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2326837), and, as a consequence, ticked her off like an atom bomb -- which surprised him quite a bit. She didn't seem at first glance to be a girl with such a temper. But now he had finished his drink, and so he bid one last look at the offender and her [sycophant](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2325616) before exiting the facility. Crushing the can, he disposed of it as briskly as he walked to the dorms. "What a day," he said tiredly, as he shut the door behind him. "Taking advantage of my heart was one thing, making a battlefield of the school was another." The bed sighed, a queer "pomf" sound escaping from the mattress, as the tired boy plopped upon it face-up. _"Well, the day is over, at least."_ Cadwal encouraged. _"I'm feeling tired myself. Hm, I think I'll just get some shut-eye right now."_ "This early again?" Tim, enjoying privacy, gave physical voice to his replies to Cadwal. _"I don't sleep eight hours like you do, and following your sleep schedule is a pain in the arse. Oh well, goodnight, lad."_ "Night." His mind, at that very point, then became eerily quiet, and lacking of presence.