[h1]Beyond the Desert Sands[/h1] [quote]The people of Theris never knew a world beyond the desert sands. In their homes of sandstone bricks, they lived in ignorance. The Theri worshipped Aquitas, the God of the Sun; according to Theri legend, he bathed the lands in his glow to save them from darkness, and in return for their homage, Aquitas granted the Theri good harvest. Who were the Theri to disobey the almighty Aquitas? For it was he who led them out from the dark, who rebuked the demons of the air, and who forced the sands of death to hold back from sweeping away the Theri from the face of the world. The elders of Theris warned the people that straying out of the crop fields and into the barren desert would bring their ruin and kill them all, so the people complied. They believed the unknown desert would unleash its demons if any man stepped forth into the sands. The loving of men, the unholy desires, the demons, all of them came from the evils of the sand and the air. Many stories were passed for generations, but their mantra was the same: anyone who stepped outside of Aquitas's holy gaze met doom and hellfire. The daughter of the Theri chief, blessed with blonde hair reflecting the light of Aquitas, claimed to a world outside of Theris. She envisioned endless plains of flowing water, dirt pillars with green obelisks reaching the stars, and tall dunes made of rock towering above the world. The town thought she was insane. She fought to convince whomever she could, yet she only found audience among the young, gullible enough to believe her fantasy tales...[/quote] [h2]Lore[/h2] [b][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/13f943SOQ6gL42y0LkitIYZPRzOri8iIlFhgoIONesaY/edit?usp=sharing]Click here to access the lore.[/url][/b] Feel free to ask me your questions about the world. [h2]Rules[/h2] [quote]1. The GM's words are final. 2. Posts must be at least one paragraph in length. 3. Posts must be made at least twice weekly for a player to be considered active. 4. Decent spelling and grammar are *bare minimum.* 5. Have fun, and keep it cool in the OOC, like Fonz. 6. No uncanny knowledge, god-moding, powerplay, auto-hitting, etc. 7. No perfect characters, drama queens, etc. No cliches unless you can make it interesting and not silly. 8. Be excellent to each other, and *ROCK ON DUDES.*[/quote] [h2]Character Template[/h2] Please submit your character in the OOC. Once approved, you may repost your character sheet in the Characters tab. [pre][b]Name:[/b] Keep with the theme. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Image and/or description, no anime. [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] Keep it brief.[/pre] [h2]Art and Writing[/h2] This section is reserved for all works of fanart and fanfiction. If you make anything, I'd be happy to put it here. [h3]Art[/h3] [url=http://i.imgur.com/tpXLJnl.png]Theri morning[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/9129]ravenDivinity[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/DUuEq3Z.png]Theri home at night[/url] by [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/9129]ravenDivinity[/url] [h3]Writing[/h3]