Lydia had not expected Ragna to return her kiss, but she found herself pleased--which in and of itself was a surprise--that he did. For a moment he started to ramble again, but then he cut himself off. Lydia felt Ragna wrap his arms around her and then... He kissed her. A light, gentle kiss. Lydia found herself returning his kiss instantly. When he pulled back and smiled she felt her heart throb in her chest for a moment. Then she smiled, a brilliant smile that seemed to light up her entire face. Ragna's words made her feel at ease. But then he started to apologize and ramble again and Lydia had to let out a low chuckle. "It's fine," she told him gently but firmly. "If anything you made things easier for me. I'll talk to you more freely now. I promise. And if you do not wish me to help with you with your family, so be it. But I will stay by your side and help you where I may." Ragna then realized what they had just done, appearing to have not really thought about it before, and became flustered. The fact that he, a giant of a half-demon, was flustered by a kiss from here, a mere half-elf-half-human girl, made her laugh aloud. It wasn't an unkind laugh, but more one of amusement. "Yes, we kissed," she told him calmly. "You even kissed me once yourself." As Lydia stared into Ragna's eyes she felt her heart thrum again. She didn't really know why, but it did. She felt at ease around him, safe. She didn't always have to watch out for herself because he was there to watch after her. Without really thinking about it Lydia found herself leaning in to kiss Ragna again. Her lips met his and she closed her eyes, wrapped her arms a little tighter around his shoulders. At first the kiss was gentle, then it deepened as Lydia felt a desire she never had before starting to burn within her like a fire.