Ragna started to say something when he felt her arms tighten around him and she leaned in for another kiss. At first it was light but then it quickly deepened as she got more and more into it. Ragna would have loved to continue but the ever looming threat of being stuck in the cave came back into his mind. He parted his lips from hers and breathed out. "Wow...but...We should...ummm.. really get going. I. I mean. You know if...Damnit." He cursed under his breath and looked Lydia into her eyes. He felt a tug that he never had felt before and it took most of his willpower to simply unwrap his arms from Lydia. He kissed her one more time and moved her arms off of him before standing up and composing himself. " Don't get me wrong. I'd like to continue that after we aren't in a old mine shaft with funky glowing plants and odd scratching noises. You know..." He rubbed the back of his head and looked away for a minute before finding his eyes drifting back to Lydia's perfect gaze. " You know...actually." He leaned back down and against his better judgement he kissed her again. His own desire getting the better of him. He noticed the softness of her lips and deep sated burning desire. His hands wrapped around her waist he pulled her closer to him and parted for just a second to finish his thought. " We can continue now..."