[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/2e40169ecc0c2a01d38ffa079685a1a8/tumblr_nb8fx2gKXp1qdie0jo1_500.gif[/img][/center] Captain Boomerang was about to further apologize for the destruction he had just accidentally caused when everyone's favourite z-lister arrived. The Australian groaned as Catman berated the three of them for not doing anything. Did the idiot realize that they were formulating a plan instead of just running off blind? Sure the stunt he had just pulled with the explosive boomerang was stupid, yet this guy took the cake! Luckily Mr Deathstroke shared his feelings for the walking feline. "There's a better chance she's gonna blow your head if you continue with your stubborn attitude, Kitty. If you want to proceed with your plan, then nobody's stopping you, but I sure as hell am not gonna stick behind your tail." While both of them were a bunch of fruit loops, Digger had to admit if he had to follow one it would be Deathstroke. Besides the mercenary had already seemingly gotten both the Reverse Flash and Miss Deathstroke on his side and no one in their right mind would go up against them. Strength in numbers as one may say and while he wasn't too keen on joining a new crew after getting ditched by the Rogues, Digger figured he'd give it a burl. "Sorry fleebag, but I'm with Professor Mad-Eye over ere'" He shouted towards the fleeing Catman, bending down to dodge more gun fire as he did so. Following the merc through the hole him and his young lackie had created, Boomer gave a smile to the girl before moving forward and gazing around. The girl was right about needing a getaway car although the problem was finding one. "I take it we can't jus' go to the parkin' lot?" He joked, glancing back through the hole nervously.