Poppy felt anger course through her: _not sexual assault?_ Ha, that was laughable. _Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, **fondling**, and attempted rape._ Maybe they should have put more emphasis on the fondling. Even if it wasn’t done with sexual intention, it was still sexual contact. But Poppy wouldn’t say anything. No, not yet, especially since that girl didn’t get too bad of a punishment. However, it should be noted, that if that shadow-guy ever did that trick on Poppy, she would raise more hell than that. Yes, she would even seek out that Louise girl and if she didn’t do anything, she would go to the authorities and make sure he was expelled. Or, at least that’s what Poppy was telling herself. Since he didn’t do the trick on her, and the blonde was quite sure that he learned his lesson and never will, no one would ever know her reaction. Poppy probably didn’t even know her reaction. Sighing, Poppy smiled at Belle and nodded her head, fidgeting slightly. “Yeah, uh, let’s go somewhere. The library, uh, maybe?” She was quick to add, “Only if you want to I mean, we don’t have to go, I’m fine with anything. _Really.”_ Without waiting for a response, Poppy grabbed her pizza and a napkin – wise choice – and stood up, but not before knocking the chair backwards with the force of her stand. She scrambled to lift it back up on its legs and her bottom collided with the table behind her, hurting her tailbone in the process. “Fuck!” Poppy cried, standing up and dropping the chair, rubbing her sore behind.