It wasn't a beeping alarm clock which woke Megan Gwynn this morning, instead it was snoring. Extremely loud and irritating snoring, which didn't help the hangover. Its source, as Megan soon discovered as she swung out of bed with a groan, was the half naked body of her friend Santo on her bedroom. Well Santo wasn't exactly her friend. More like a friend of a friend, who coincidentally was also curled up on her floor. Rubbing her eyes she groaned once more, maneuvering around the two as she made her way to her wardrobe door, which was already ajar due to how full it was. A young pink-haired woman stared sleepily at her in the mirror on the back of the door as she opened it. The neatness of her hair made her smile, as it didn't look completely terrible to he relief. Behind her reflection, her fairly-like wings fluttered. Yes, Megan had wings. Dressing quickly, she pulled on a pair of black jeans, deciding to leave on the t-shirt she had worn to bed. Once foundation and mascara had been applied, she began making her way out the room, giving both of the sleeping boys a short kick as she passed, with the two awaking yelping in pain. The woman's laugh was cut short however as she discovered the aftermath of her roommate's party outside. The first thing she encountered was the sheer stench. The room stank of booze and strangely slightly of piss, although she didn't wish to dwell long on why. The floor and the majority of the apartment's shelves and furniture were covered with cans and bottles, as well as general leftovers. Gazing across the room as she made her way to the fridge, she spied a hat hanging on Victor's bedroom door handle which explain why he had ended up camped out on her floor with Santo. The sofa was also occupied, although Megan couldn't spy whoever it was. After a quick glass of juice, she made her exit, making sure that her coat covered her rainbow coloured wings. Despite how uncomfortable it may be, covering them was the only way she was able to keep a normal life outside of her job. Luckily Victor, Santo and all her other friends were complete dicks like her old classmates at college so they saw no problem with it, meaning at home she could flutter around the ceiling to her hearts content if she wanted to. Truly her life now was great, a fact she noted as she made her way down the street towards the bus stop. She had superpowers, great friends and above all, an amazing job. That's right, Megan was a secret agent! By day she was regular pink-haired Megan Gwynn, but by night and the majority of the day actually she was Pixie, agent of the X-men! Before long, the bus arrived down the road from the Pentagon and after a short walk she was inside, scanner her eye's and passing through the offer forms of security the place had. Passing through the central corridor of the Project X-men department, Pixie gave a wave to colleagues and the like. Ahead she spied the majority of the team. It was a fairly small bunch, although they were kind and if nothing else understood the pain and hardship she had faced throughout life as a mutant. Beaming she approached, stopping next to Katya and putting her arm around her. "How long until we got until the meeting?" She questioned with a smile.