Winnifired stared in wide-eyed shock with a grimace forming on her face as a brief fistfight suddenly erupted in the crowd of people. She hadn't been able to hear what conversation had started it, she simply saw the red-headed girl throw a punch and end up hitting the... same boy she'd done quite the number to in the match yesterday, apparently. Winnifred was about to step in and say something to try and stop things, though she wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to say in a situation like that, but it seemed that the small incident died down as quickly as it started anyway. In fact, it seemed like discussions about the assignments had resumed like normal. Well, more or less normal. Winnifred sighed, letting the incident pass. She looked back at the cleric, and studied the cockatrice assignment details again. "Well... I wonder just how many people are looking at this one," she said.