----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Name: Finch Age: 18 S+G: Male[/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Say hello to Finch, narcoleptic buddy-o extraordinaire! Not too big on rules and institutions, social constructs, or generally anything that tells him, "no,". He can be a friendly guy, if he respects the person in question--but that's a long ways road, even if said person is patient with him. He's brash, quiet, and snarky, and he won't apologize for hurting one's feelings because he wouldn't have noticed they're hurt to begin with. And on top of all that, he's incredibly, incriminatingly, awfully lazy: so lazy, in fact, that if faced with the possibility of a lifetime of incarceration, he'd rather turn over and fall asleep than force himself out of bed to testify in court. He's content with simply living, rather than trying to achieve. He's not completely terrible, however. It can be said that he's rather loyal and loving, if fickle about his affections. It can also be said that due to his laziness and rejection of society, he's an easy-going and open-minded fellow who'll agree to just about anything. It's that terribly lazy, finicky and feline personality that's given him his intelligence and his charm, after all--and, if awake, he'll bicker any threat to he and his own to its death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born under the great sign of the water-bearer to two fathers, akin to his own majesty, he'd grown under the supervision of a wise Tibetan monk while training in the metaphysical arts, like accounting! When he 16 he conquered the alps and rode down into Liechtenstein on a bear's back. Or something like that. If there's any truth to that, it's that he did have two dads, and he is pretty good with budgeting money. He's probably an Aquarius too, but he's not really sure because no one really told him how long he waited to get adopted, or the actual date of his birth. No matter, his life was just as exciting! Like, once, he got expelled from a boarding school for smacking a kid around a lil' bit, and there was that other time where his father found his pipe tobacco and he vicariously got a sweet room renovation because his parents were looking for anything he was hiding in there, (they didn't find the weed). But, the adventures of the past are where all things past go, as he's off to live the rest of his life...with his long-time-no-see twin sister? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------