> I always feel comfortable having a pair of A10s loitering in the rear waiting for a call from the FAC. That would be great. :D [Support Inbound.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZIgMP28RXE) -BTW, those planes have already been decommissioned, theoretically for sale. (Main reason is that the gun never really fired a proper HE shell for strafing soft targets, just stupidly-fast [and expensive] tungsten and DU slugs that were barely effective tank-killers back in the '80s [the new protections against top-attack munitions as well as improved MANPADS has made the exploitive-nature of aircraft-guns against tanks an inefficient specialization of resources) Although I was thinking [helicopter-gunships](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdJZsD-LCwU) for some reason. -I'm also still fond of the idea of using an armored train as a forward mobile fire-support base for our operations. [despite issues](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOvJbSOEtZM).